writing: on AUT Uni Life

During my postgraduate studies with the Auckland University of Technology, I was invited to share the grief and lessons learned for those who would follow us through their student blog. Thank you for hosting me, AUT! These articles are no longer available in AUT's uni blog archive, and have been reproduced here.


Rest, if you must, but don't you quit (November, 2016)
Wherein I come full circle, finishing my Master's thesis and reflect from the finish line.

It takes a village (June, 2016)
Wherein we're only as good or successful as the company we keep.

Shut up and take my money (November, 2015)
Wherein students and teachers should not treat each other like a bank transaction.

Do not go down with that ship (October, 2015)
Wherein we talk group projects and look for the silver lining.

Being Pasifika in academia (September, 2015)
Wherein being a representative is a terrifying and humbling responsibility, but sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up (Brene Brown).

Working smarter for diversity (August, 2015)
Wherein we're all different and more alike than we often remember, and we need this complement to confront tomorrow's challenges.

Crush it, kill it, nail it, own it (May, 2015)
Wherein all of us are frauds; or none of us are? Never stop learning.

On Wednesdays (and Fridays) we wear pink (May, 2015)
Wherein we don pink and review the ways we can each be an ally against bullying.

The three most important things you’ll learn from university (April, 2015)
Wherein I offer spoilers for the undergraduate journey.